Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mic check, 1 2

December 7th, 2011 was the last time either one of us said anything on this blog. That's far too long. What have we done and what has happened in that time? 

Not a lot. 

Well, a few things. 

There was this. We went whitewater rafting during a family reunion in Tennessee over the summer. Had a great time. Kind of had to save some people from drowning. You know, no big deal. (Not pictured: Mel. She is okay though.) But it served as one of many highlights from a memorable week in the Smokey Mountains.


Hit by a red light runner in May. We're all guilty of it, but please don't text and drive. Ever. Because you will hit someone. 

Another season of Rangers baseball came and went down in flames went. It marked an end to the 6th year that we've had season tickets. We'll miss our ballpark friends and can't wait to see them all hopefully again next year: Valet, Fred, Tom, Luther, Vanessa... all of them. 

But if there's one thing I've learned over the course of the year, it's to sort out the trivial, non-important things in life (yes, like sports) and focus on the larger picture. 

Kind of like this large picture.

Our daughter. 

Coming in April. 

Suffice it to say, it's an interesting feeling knowing that something is living and growing inside your wife. But it's an adventure that we're both beyond ecstatic about taking, through good times, bad times, happy, sad, and everything in between. To say we're excited about becoming parents next year would only be putting it mildly.

And if I may be completely serious for one second: 

You hear lots of descriptions of "oh, they're perfect for each other" when talking about certain couples. Everyone of those tales are probably true in their own right. 

But I have a wife who I can't imagine being apart from. I have a wife who makes me laugh more than anyone, makes me care about things more than I ever have before, and who, at the end of the night I still am thankful I get to lay down and go to sleep next to. I can't imagine what life would be like going through this with anyone other than her. 

She really is my rock. 

In writing this, I was looking for the classic, summarization quote to cap this thing off and tie everything up in a nice, neat bow (hey, a Christmas tie-in!) I found a lot of them, but non of them really stuck with me like the following. 

April 27th is still a little bit of a ways off, but this resonated with me in a way that I cannot accurately describe. 
A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. -- Author Unknown
We look forward finding out what that means.

Merry Christmas, God bless, and we'll be talking to you all more in 2013. 

- John and Mel