Since my husband has started the theme of 3 notable tidbits of each game we are at (or watch) - and has obviously fallen very far behind, I have decided to pick up the slack. Albeit - all in one week-encompassing blog.
Sunday, April 3rd:
1. This was a family affair. The entire Dunlap/Vittas/Dunn clan was in attendance. (Maybe I shouldn't reference us as a clan) Pa-Paw also made an appearance at a game for the first time in s-e-v-e-r-a-l years. Oh Pa-Paw. (The usher is a failed photographer.)
2. Tyler is again a member of the Jr. Rangers, thanks to Aunt Wittle and Uncle John. And was also introduced to the greatness of batting practice.
3. Matt Harrison. Alright, okay. Broom. Sports.
Monday, April 4th:
1. We got our rings.

2. Robert met the gnome.
3. A 6-4 lead, going to the top of the 9th, and idiots trying to start the wave. These stupid bandwagon fans led me to order this t-shirt:
Tuesday, April 5th:
1. I had little faith in Alexi Ogando to make it through 6 innings of this game. Much less 6 scoreless innings.
2. After this game, Mark Lowe's ERA sucks. 27.00 to be exact. I would be quite happy not seeing him pitch again. You were a throw-in last July-and did nothing to prove otherwise.
3. I did not watch the diving catch in the top of the 7th. I do not trust noodle-arm Borbon. Luckily, for me and the 30,000+ other fans there, he proved me wrong. (this time at least)
Wednesday, April 6th:
1. While I had to leave during the 7th inning stretch and head to work, I sat in the parking garage at NE Mall and listened happily to the end of the game, waving my broom in solitude.
2. I need to better apply my sunscreen.
3. Sitting peacefully in Fred's section, basking in the sun (which later proved a horrible horrible move), I heard a girl say "I get Beltre and Napoli confused since they're both new." Yes, she might not be a total BW for knowing they are both new to the team.... but I would venture to guess that is where their similarities end.
Thursday, April 7th = Off Day
Friday, April 8th = rain out
We only saw some of the first game, but....... my less than doting opinion of Adrian Beltre continues. All or nothing. 2 GIDPs in game 1. And even after his 3 run HR in game 2 last night, the $16 million offense is hitting .182. Awesome.
How do you feel about Beltre now?