Sunday, January 20, 2019

Idle time

Where's that soap box? Ah, there it is.

So writing about anything these days, is hard.

There are so many things I'd like to talk about. I probably need to talk about for therapeutic reasons. Heck, I just got done a few weeks ago talking about how writing (or blogging) is good for the soul. Welp.

But the fact of the matter is this: In all of our daily lives where it feels like we solo parent more often than not, it's difficult when you have the opportunity, to not just sit on the couch and detach.

Detach when it's nap time (or some semblance of nap time) for your children. Detach when everybody goes to bed at the end of the night. When all you want to do is flip on a game or your favorite streaming service and get caught up on whatever wets your whistle on Hulu or Netflix, etc.......just detach. I struggle with this I think worse than anybody at times.

But the truth of the matter is, those times of quietness can usually be among the worst.

So here's what I propose you (and I) do to make your down time seem a little less "down".

I contest that it's not a horrible thing to sit down and watch whatever's on television as long as it's in moderation. Hey look, there's some really great stuff on right now. We fly the This Is Us flag proudly in this house. The Good Doctor and A Million Little Things are also big players. We even enjoy the occasional documentary on Netflix.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying them in moderation, as log as you're not punting on your responsibilities you may also have on your plate.

But before you settle in for the night. Before you throw on your favorite, well-worn pair of sweatpants or hoodie that you've worn 11 consecutive days in a row, do one thing constructive with your time.

It can be anything. Go out for a run. Tidy up your closet. (Sup', Marie Kondo). Empty or load the dishwasher. (Or both). Something.

Maybe even read for a bit. An actual book - not on a computer screen or even a Kindle. I think that flipping pages in an actual book provides your brain with some context that scrolling through a longform article on a webpage does not.

After you do that, I promise your down time for the remainder of the evening will seem that much more gratifying. Give it a try.

End soap box.

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